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    Eufy Homebase 3 basisstation


    Homebase 3 basisstation

    De Eufy Homebase 3 (S380) is de opvolger van de Eufy Homebase 2. Dit basisstation is het brein van veel Eufy camera's en deurbellen. Ten opzichte van de Homebase 2 heeft de Homebase 3 een aantal voordelen. Zo kan hij 24/7 opnemen en heeft hij een uitbreidbaar geheugen. Het standaard geheugen is 16GB. Uitbreiden doe je met een harde schijf. De nieuwe Homebase is ook slimmer, omdat hij gezichtsherkenning, persoonsherkenning, voertuigherkenning en een zelflerend algoritme heeft. Ook heeft dit basisstation een stabielere verbinding dan de Eufy Homebase 2. Je verbindt de Homebase aan je router, waarna hij een stabiele verbinding opzet met je Eufy apparaten.

    In de doos:

    • Eufy Homebase 3
    • voedingsadapter
    • netwerkkabel
    • schroevenpakket
    • metalen pin voor resetten
    • snelstartgids


    Afmetingen78 x 109 x 144 mm
    Garantie2 jaar
    Indoor / OutdoorIndoor
    Draadloos (WiFi)Ja, 2.4Ghz
    Resolutie8.0 MP (4K)
    POE supportNee
    Bewegen & kantelen (PT)Nee
    NAS Ondersteuningn/a
    P2P (Plug and Play)Ja
    Kenteken herkenningNee
    Email en/of Push melding bij bewegingJa
    SD-kaart functieNee
    Smartphone & tablet supportJa
    Mobiele APP

    S380 HomeBase (HomeBase 3) Compatibility

    eufy S380 HomeBase (HomeBase 3) is the heart and soul of the eufy Security ecosystem. More than just a hub or internet bridge, HomeBase 3 offers expandable local storage, enhanced AI functionality, cross-device features, and more, all with no monthly fees.

    Getting so much out of HomeBase 3 has been an intense and exciting challenge, and we are excited to be in the home stretch of allowing full functionality with as many eufy Security devices as possible.

    Below is a list of products that have full, partial, or planned HomeBase 3 compatibility, as well as when compatibility can be expected for devices without it.

    Finding the Part Number: The Part Number (PN) of any eufy Security device can be located on the product or within the eufy Security app. (Device Settings > General > About Device > The first five characters of the Serial Number)
    TypeProduct NameProduct NumberHomeBase 3
    Storage Compatibility
    HomeBase 3
    BionicMind™ /Modes/Automation Compatibility
    eufyCamS330 eufyCam (eufyCam 3)T8160CompatibleCompatible
    S300 eufyCam (eufyCam 3C)T8161CompatibleCompatible
    eufyCam E330T8600CompatibleCompatible
    eufyCam 2 ProT8140CompatibleCompatible
    eufyCam 2C ProT8142CompatibleCompatible
    eufyCam 2T8114CompatibleCompatible
    eufyCam 2CT8113CompatibleCompatible
    eufyCam ET8112CompatibleCompatible
    eufyCam E330T8600CompatibleCompatible
    Video Doorbell
    Video Doorbell DualT8213CompatibleCompatible
    Video Doorbell E340T8214CompatibleCompatible
    Video Doorbell 2KT8210CompatibleCompatible
    S210 Video Doorbell (Battery Doorbell 2K)T8212CompatibleCompatible
    Video Doorbell 1080pT8222CompatibleCompatible
    Video Doorbell 1080p (Slim)T8220CompatibleCompatible
    Video Doorbell 2ET8221CompatibleCompatible
    Wall Light CamWired Wall Light CamT84A1CompatibleUnder Evaluation*
    Solar Wall Light CamT81A0CompatibleCompatible
    Garage-Control CamGarage-Control Cam with SensorT8452Under Evaluation*Under Evaluation*
    Garage-Control Cam Plus with SensorT8453Under Evaluation*Under Evaluation*
    Video Doorbell (Wired)S330 Video Doorbell (Video Doorbell Dual)T8203Not Compatible**Not Compatible**
    Wired Doorbell 1080pT8201Not Compatible**Not Compatible**
    Wired Doorbell 2KT8200Not Compatible**Not Compatible**
    Wired Doorbell 2K ProT8202Not Compatible**Not Compatible**
    Smart LockVideo Smart Lock S330T8530CompatibleCompatible (BionicMind™ and Modes)
    Smart LockVideo Smart Lock E330T8531CompatibleCompatible (BionicMind™ and Modes)
    AlarmEntry SensorT8900CompatibleCompatible (Modes and Automation)
    Motion SensorT8910CompatibleCompatible (Modes and Automation)
    Indoor CamIndoor Cam 2KT8400CompatibleUnder Evaluation*
    Indoor Cam S350T8416CompatibleCompatible
    Indoor Cam 2K Pan & TiltT8410CompatibleUnder Evaluation*
    Indoor Cam 1080pT8401CompatibleUnder Evaluation*
    Indoor Cam 1080p Pan & TiltT8411CompatibleUnder Evaluation*
    Indoor Cam MiniT8414CompatibleUnder Evaluation*
    Outdoor CamOutdoor CamT8442CompatibleUnder Evaluation*
    Outdoor Cam ProT8441CompatibleUnder Evaluation*
    SoloCamS220 SoloCamT8134CompatibleCompatible
    SoloCam S340T8170CompatibleCompatible
    SoloCam C210T8B00CompatibleCompatible
    SoloCam E20T8130CompatibleCompatible
    SoloCam E40T8131CompatibleCompatible
    SoloCam L20T8122CompatibleCompatible
    SoloCam L40T8123CompatibleCompatible
    SoloCam S40T8124VCompatibleCompatible
    SoloCam S40T8124CompatibleCompatible
    Floodlight CamFloodlight Cam 1080pT8420XCompatibleNot Compatible**
    Floodlight Cam 1080pT8420Not Compatible**Not Compatible**
    Floodlight Cam E340T8425CompatibleCompatible
    Floodlight Cam 2KT8422CompatibleNot Compatible**
    Floodlight Cam 2KT8424CompatibleNot Compatible**
    Floodlight Cam 2K ProT8423CompatibleUnder Evaluation*
    4G Cam4G Starlight Cam S230T8150Not Compatible***Not Compatible***
    4G Cam4G LTE Cam S330T86P2Compatible
    (only under Wi-Fi mode)
    Smart StorageSmartDropT8790CompatibleCompatible

    * Device possesses the necessary technology for eventual HomeBase 3 compatibility, but the timeframe for compatibility isn't confirmed at this time.
    ** Device does not possess the necessary technology for HomeBase 3 compatibility.
    *** Device operates via cellular signal and does not connect to Wi-Fi and therefore does not possess the necessary technology for HomeBase 3 compatibility.
    1. T8124V is the SoloCam whose serial number begins with T8124P21********or T8124P31******
    2. T8420X is the Floodlight Camera whose serial number begins with  T8420N6XXXXX



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